Sunday 3 May 2015

Fifth Week of Unit X

Peer Group Presentation

This presentation was yet again about talking through about my work so far. When I was questioned about what form my final pieces would take on, on the spot I said wedding veil. I think this was because of the wedding dresses that was displayed and I instantly though about how I’ve been using white light weight material. After the presentation I dint feel sure about whether I should do a rectangle  wedding veil because materials used for veils are very light and simple. From the Easter break, I was sure to take on the finger prints idea forward. So from this mixture of wedding veil and finger/ hand print didn’t really sound good. I have drawn designs but they do not seem like something you would see on a gown, perhaps a wall hanging.  

Google Images
So I went out and did more research on what materials I would need to print my hand print that would come out clearly and also something that wasn’t to stiff.  

Reflecting back on my sketchbook and where I am at the moment, I realised that my references weren’t really being acknowledged much. 

Friday Drawing

This Friday drawing I think was not at all beneficial for me because all we did was cover white paper with a black oil bar and cover a black piece of paper with a white oil bar. I ended up with three drawing of the same objects which I think was a wasteful time as I could have done this in my own time and instead of doing this under staff surveillance, I could have made my time more efficient by spending it on final piece/pieces.

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