Sunday 3 May 2015

Contextual References

Contextual references have immensely helped me gain knowledge on how I can expand on my design developments. These are the chosen artists I chose to participate within my project.

Susie MacMurray

I came across Macmurrays work after attending her talk during the research weeks. The concept of her work amazed me to do the same in mine somehow. Her work is very time consuming therefore I had to think about how I could take that idea of time and putting it in my projects as I had only 3 weeks left. Whether I should draw/plan my designs on paper instead of trying out each one on materiel.

Dagmer Binder

My next references is Binder, the designs and outcomes of each piece created by hand is something that I want to carry out in this project. From my Blackpool visit, the staff working at the illumination centre mention that the pieces are made from hand because they cannot afford to get other companies/ factories to do it. As sad as it sounds, I think it’s a nice touch that I would add to me work if I was to base my work on ‘handmade’ thing

Marit Fujiwara

Fujiwara is my last reference that I used for my colour pallet. After comparing my researched mages, I found that my colour pallet and Fujiwara's pieces somehow matched. I also chose this artist because it looks very complicated to create therefor, I want to challenge myself within a short space of time.

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