These were my final motifs of stripes, placement and all over. Last minute decisions forced me to make do with my final motifs. Not being able to understand what two motifs meant, I felt really rushed in the process of scanning the motifs onto acetate. This then progressed to me having to make prints with these motifs. As I'm going through this experience by word, I feel very fidgety about the motifs selections.
Motif Fabric Samples
After critically reviewing my samples with my tutors, I set my self a time frame to work within and also how I use my motifs; bloc some areas off with newspaper, then fill them in with different shades. on button samples, blocking one or two buttons made a huge difference on how I approached my motif prints.
This was my most interesting session in digital. I found myself experimenting with loads of gradient, swatches, line methods and etc. I feel that I get the hang of digital print quite quickly with the guidance from tutors. I really am impressed with my outcomes of my objects. the colour palette has also played a huge contribution towards my final sample.
Digital Printout on Fabric
Friday Drawing
Continued producing Croquis, my favourite one.