Sunday 15 February 2015

PE Task 2

During my time in Sampling, I aimed to achieve my target in using colour in my work; whether that included drawings, samples or artists. In the past, I have always worked with monochrome colours, so this was where my intention of use of colours came from.
To begin with, there was a session in Print where we were set to focus on our colour palettes that we would be using for the next 3 weeks. I chose a random image and started picking out colours that I would possibly carry out onto my Prints. From the outcomes of my Print samples, I was not entirely happy with my motifs; I did not understand what each motif meant and how it was to be placed. However, I was happy with my colour palette and the use of it in my prints. From this experience, I felt comfortable working with colour. Therefore, I decided to carry this out into Mixed Media and also in the three last weeks in my chosen area, which was Mixed Media.
Colour Palette from Print Rotation
In my next rotation in Mixed Media, I felt enthusiastic about what this area had covered/ offered. I was aware that I would be working with a range of materials by speaking to my peers that had already experienced it; this made me even more excited to start the rotation.

I looked at several artists such as Zaha Hadid, Andy Goldsworthy, Cui Fei and Izzy Miyake. From the inspirational artists I feel that I did not fulfil my goal in use of colour, as most of them did not specifically have a colour pallet, I tried combining selection of colours from these artists but they did not link clearly. From this rotation, I feel that my use of photography emerged strongly. I realised that this was a material form Mixed Media. Therefore, I carried this on as well as use of colour from Print.
Sample From Laser Cutting

For the last 3 weeks in Sampling, I chose Mixed Media. I really enjoyed my time in Mixed Media but I felt that there was more that I could get from it. From previous experience in the other rotations, I felt very limited in the materials I could use, also the different techniques I was exposed to.
Moving on, in this rotation I chose to work with Street Beat and Balance. The theme that I had chosen to work with was Installation/ Exhibition. I was determined to plan out my day-to-day work time and limit rather than weekly in the last 3 three weeks. From the techniques of planning, I realised that it helps hugely. The two main reference that I worked alongside in this project, that I think have been linked clearly are FKA Twigs and Eadweard Muybridge. The simplicity of their work has been combined with mine. I feel that this technique specifically, has been carried out throughout my journey in the last three weeks in Mixed Media.
FKA Twigs

Eadweard Muybridge
I have always been in that area of making bold installation pieces by hand. Nevertheless, from this project, I feel open minded on how simple things can lead to other things I would have never have thought of. I am happy the way this particular project went because I continued working with colour, which I wanted, in addition to my use of photography.
Animation Sample
If I had another chance to change something from my experience, I would rethink my time limits and also material choices. 

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