Sunday 1 February 2015

Mixed Media Sampling Evaluation - Week Three

Week three in MM, I had no chance to book sessions in laser cutting as I was unaware of booking time. By the time I had realised when and how to book it, there was no space left for a session. So I was left the option to go around the campus taking images of buildings and areas of the university that normally wouldn't be captured through imagery. This idea was brought by peer review. My review on my work so far showed that I had not planned my work out properly and not linked it therefore it was not strong enough.

Because I was unfortunate to have another session in laser cutting, I started making more sample from the little pieces of wood that I left with, from the trial and error piece. From this I found myself linking my primary research and also artist’s works. I feel that I also achieved my goal in recycling my work to make several samples like my artists.

From capturing the images, I began planning and drawing out how I would recreate the space using my references and samples ideas.

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