Thursday 28 January 2016

28/01/16 Week Two | Live Brief

This week I have finally decided to design for a men's clothing brand. the chosen company is Timberlands. I chose them because I have always loved their designs from a young age and Timberland isn't like every other company; making shoes with machines. Their shoes are mostly worn by middle aged men that go hiking. but over the years, their shoes has become more of a fashion statement piece. recently they introduced the ability of the customers choosing their own designs but it comes at a high price (which makes sense because they make them by hand).

Monday 25 January 2016

25/01/16 Week Four | Self Initiated

My Primary Images - Colour Pallete

To begin, I started making wraps of the colours that I saw within the images. Therefore, I would get a good idea what exactly my colours should be.

I then began drawing expressively towards the images and the drawings below are what I came out with. I feel confident with my drawings but I feel like I lacked in the drawing techniques as I stuck to using mostly acrylic paint and paint brushes. Clearly you can see that I've used mostly white paper to draw on where I think I could have used other surfaces. reasons to this is; I was focusing too much on what the overall should look like instead of my drawing letting itself do its own thing, like it has in the past.

Monday 18 January 2016

18/01/16 Week Three | Self Initiated

I began creating samples from what I thought was 'natural disaster' forms. For example, we have no control over fire so I used that concept of using fire on my material as the image shows above.
From reviewing with my peers and my tutors on what I've been doing so far, we agreed that using black is not an option. So to get out of my comfort zone, I should avoid using black and focus on the subtle colours in my images. we also discussed the materials I was using was not the best; my primary images are strongly structured in panels and the materials I was using were light and had no body to them.

I still have the confidence in using the embellisher for this project as it one of the machines I enjoy using. I also have the ability of creating two sided fabrics which amazes me without realising every time I create a sample.