Friday, 11 March 2016

Unit X | Educator Week One | 11/03/16

This was the first week of educator! What I learnt from this week was…

o   Child protection (a person under the age of 18 is a child)

o   Safeguarding (to make sure the environment we put the children in is a safe place to working, the equipment’s used are safe enough to handle, any high concerns of students should be disclosed to someone higher.)

o   Types of abuse (physical, emotional, neglect and sexual)

o   Disclosures (if a child discloses something to us that is high risk then we should report to our line manager, but reassure the child before they tell you anything and after they tell you what they need to say, you will have to tell someone about it.)

o   My line managers (someone who can take over the matter, after reporting to them I do not need to be involved.)
These were just some key points that I took from this week’s sessions. First day of Educator really felt as though I could relate to my peers, because we had similar ideas and thought on ways of teaching and expressing ourselves through storytelling and drawings. Learning about my responsibilities to being a teacher in the future, gave me a boost of confidence when interacting with people.
Icebreakers are often introduced to a group of strangers to make them connect. Therefore, what we were introduced to was the exercise I’m sure; every person took part as a child; not quite sure the name of the game but once you see it, I’m sure you’ll get what I mean!
Meet Dr Content. A special character created by my group in the icebreaker challenge.

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