Thursday 10 December 2015

10/12/15 - Week One | Self Initiated

Week one. first thing I went to do to collect some primary research is; collect images of cracked surfaces from everyday objects and places. These are what I captured and I feel like I have a good base to start off my self initiation brief from. From the group tutorial, it was clear that I need to have drawings to make my project develop further. So, by the end of this week, I have set myself an outcome of 20 to 30 drawings by the end of this week.

For my live brief I am thinking more of a fashion context. Something that I have never done before. From having a look at the options available, the sofa workshop and branding seem to be pulling me in. this decision needs to be made by the end of the week as I am setting myself a decent timetable to work with both units alongside each other. However, I am finding difficulties choosing a theme for the live brief so what I intend to do during the weekend is do some research on what clothing or sofa brands I would like to design for. Either way, at the beginning of next week I will sort of have a good idea on what each of my theme, context and concept will be.

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